Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thermal Engineering Overview

Confused? You're not alone. This is a puzzle encountered by people who want to ensure their computer investment is protected with the right products to keep it functioning for years to come. The present problem with cooling microprocessors is a relatively new issue -- about 4 years old. It stems from the collision of two conflicting trends -- end-user desire for more powerful microprocessors to run the next generation software, and the equally strong demand for smaller, more mobile computer form factors. With each, the introduction of faster next-generation semiconductors aimed at improving computing power, heat concentration problems increase.
Thermal energy generated within these devices can be compared to that of a stovetop burner. Today's generation of Pentium, Athlon, and Power PC chips can dissipate more than 100 watts of power. In straight forward terms, you could fry an egg on top of any of these chips.
Choosing the right cooling solution is a complex task requiring the coordination of several factors and requires good thermal engineering. So how is it that certain upgrade processors do not require a heat sink with a miniature fan solution?
To answer that question, we need to first understand the fundamental problem. Heat to be removed must travel from the microelectronic chip to the surrounding air stream. As heat flows, it encounters a series of thermal resistance that impedes overall heat removal. The laws of physics dictate that performance and reliability of semiconductor and integrated circuit devices are absolutely constrained by temperature. Mathematicians have worked out formulas that inform us for every 10°C rise of the junction temperature (this corresponds to any one of the 4 million transistors that may be on a microprocessor) the failure rate doubles. There are any number of ways device temperature related failures modes may be manifested on the electronic level that cannot be visually detected.
These failure modes include such items as gate dielectric strength, junction fatigue, electromigration diffusion, electrical parameter shifts, and thermal runaway any of which could ultimately result in a failed CPU. But what does all of this tech-jargon really mean to you and me? It means that computer manufacturers and suppliers of upgrade processors must work diligently to ensure that their products are engineered properly to provide sufficient cooling to the microprocessor for an extended length of time.
Thermal engineering is more than a way of controlling heat and temperature rise in a computer. By definition, thermal engineering requires designers to pay attention to every aspect of heat generation and removal in an electronics system. It is NOT putting the biggest heat sink or biggest fan on a semiconductor. Rather, it is the careful and purposeful selection of parts and components, with heat removal in mind. An ideal cooling design achieves the desired junction temperatures, is compact in size, low in cost, adaptable enough to fit into system designs.
Attempts to increase capacity by using larger heat sinks, higher air velocities and fan heat sink combinations will be wrought with diminishing returns. Contrary to market demands for smaller packaging and higher performance, these solutins add to the packaging volume with larger parts or decreasing the system reliability.
So how do we choose the best solutions? In early stages of system design as well as the package design for the processor, thermal issues need to be recognized and advanced engineering solutions brought to the design table. The design of upgrade processors allows thermally optimized packages to be utilized in non-optimized systems. This is due to upfront thermal engineering efforts where materials, manufacturing techniques, and thermal barriers all maximize a processor's performance and reliability at the lowest cost and smallest sizes. While these upgrade processors then offer advanced thermal solutions where they can replace less reliable fan/sink combinations, they represent a change to thermal engineering in the earliest stages of product design.
Why don't the system manufacturers implement these advanced solutions in the original product design cycle? Often this is due to the fast pace product development cycles, and often it is just because the solutions were not available at the time the system was ready for market. Will you likely see lower reliability solutions in future system designs? Not if thermal engineering takes place!


In a conventional spark-ignition engine, the fuel and air are homogeneously mixed
together in the intake system, inducted through the intake valve into the cylinder where it mixes
with residual gases and is then compressed. Under normal operating conditions, combustion is
initiated towards the end of the compression stroke at the spark plug by an electric discharge. A
turbulent flame develops following the ignition and propagates through this premixed charge of
fuel and air, and also the residual gas in the clearance volume until it reaches the combustion
chamber walls. Combustion in the SI engine may be broadly divided into two general types, viz.,
normal combustion and abnormal combustion.
A typical theoretical pressure-crank angle diagram, during the process of compression
(a→b), combustion (b→c) and expansion (c→d) in an ideal four-stroke spark-ignition engine is
shown in Fig.1. In an ideal engine, as can be seen from the diagram, the entire pressure rised
uring combustion takes place at constant volume i.e., at TDC. However, in an actual engine this
does not happen. The detailed process of combustion in an actual SI engine is described below.
The combustion process in an SI engine consists of three stages.

The pressure variation due to combustion in a practical engine is shown in Fig. 2. In this
figure, A is the point of passage of spark (say 20°bTDC), B is the point at which the beginning of
pressure rise can be detected (say 8° bTDC) and C the attainment of peak pressure. Thus AB
represents the first stage and BC the second stage and CD the third stage.

Thermal Engineering is an established

Thermal Engineering is an established, privately owned and globally-oriented supplier of specialised components and assemblies to the aerospace industry. We provide a responsive, focused service backed by many years of experience and a wide range of knowledge of the industry's requirements and standards. Above all, we offer practical, comprehensive and cost-effective solutions to airframe and engine manufacturers, system integrators and other 1st tier suppliers.
Thermal engineering are specialists in :-
  • Hot forming and cold forming (hard aerospace alloys)
  • Sheet metal components, assemblies and fabrication
  • Thermal insulation and protection

Thermal Engineering Overview

Thermal Engineering Overview
Imagine you have just finished making the last few changes to a presentation for one of your biggest clients, the most critical presentation of the year. Then, your worst fear comes true - your system suddenly fails. Data stored on your hard drive is lost. You pull the cover off the machine and you see that the miniature fan on top of the CPU has stopped running. You quickly realize that your microprocessor failed due to inadequate cooling. Promptly, you purchase an upgrade microprocessor and behold - it has a heat sink with no fan!Confused? You're not alone. This is a puzzle encountered by people who want to ensure their computer investment is protected with the right products to keep it functioning for years to come. The present problem with cooling microprocessors is a relatively new issue -- about 4 years old. It stems from the collision of two conflicting trends -- end-user desire for more powerful microprocessors to run the next generation software, and the equally strong demand for smaller, more mobile computer form factors. With each, the introduction of faster next-generation semiconductors aimed at improving computing power, heat concentration problems increase.
Thermal energy generated within these devices can be compared to that of a stovetop burner. Today's generation of Pentium, Athlon, and Power PC chips can dissipate more than 100 watts of power. In straight forward terms, you could fry an egg on top of any of these chips.
Choosing the right cooling solution is a complex task requiring the coordination of several factors and requires good thermal engineering. So how is it that certain upgrade processors do not require a heat sink with a miniature fan solution?
To answer that question, we need to first understand the fundamental problem. Heat to be removed must travel from the microelectronic chip to the surrounding air stream. As heat flows, it encounters a series of thermal resistance that impedes overall heat removal. The laws of physics dictate that performance and reliability of semiconductor and integrated circuit devices are absolutely constrained by temperature. Mathematicians have worked out formulas that inform us for every 10°C rise of the junction temperature (this corresponds to any one of the 4 million transistors that may be on a microprocessor) the failure rate doubles. There are any number of ways device temperature related failures modes may be manifested on the electronic level that cannot be visually detected.
These failure modes include such items as gate dielectric strength, junction fatigue, electromigration diffusion, electrical parameter shifts, and thermal runaway any of which could ultimately result in a failed CPU. But what does all of this tech-jargon really mean to you and me? It means that computer manufacturers and suppliers of upgrade processors must work diligently to ensure that their products are engineered properly to provide sufficient cooling to the microprocessor for an extended length of time.
Thermal engineering is more than a way of controlling heat and temperature rise in a computer. By definition, thermal engineering requires designers to pay attention to every aspect of heat generation and removal in an electronics system. It is NOT putting the biggest heat sink or biggest fan on a semiconductor. Rather, it is the careful and purposeful selection of parts and components, with heat removal in mind. An ideal cooling design achieves the desired junction temperatures, is compact in size, low in cost, adaptable enough to fit into system designs.
Attempts to increase capacity by using larger heat sinks, higher air velocities and fan heat sink combinations will be wrought with diminishing returns. Contrary to market demands for smaller packaging and higher performance, these solutins add to the packaging volume with larger parts or decreasing the system reliability.
So how do we choose the best solutions? In early stages of system design as well as the package design for the processor, thermal issues need to be recognized and advanced engineering solutions brought to the design table. The design of upgrade processors allows thermally optimized packages to be utilized in non-optimized systems. This is due to upfront thermal engineering efforts where materials, manufacturing techniques, and thermal barriers all maximize a processor's performance and reliability at the lowest cost and smallest sizes. While these upgrade processors then offer advanced thermal solutions where they can replace less reliable fan/sink combinations, they represent a change to thermal engineering in the earliest stages of product design.
Why don't the system manufacturers implement these advanced solutions in the original product design cycle? Often this is due to the fast pace product development cycles, and often it is just because the solutions were not available at the time the system was ready for market. Will you likely see lower reliability solutions in future system designs? Not if thermal engineering takes place!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


The  problem solving arsenal includes dozens of weld overlay strategies, thermal spray coatings which address a complete spectrum of wear, corrosion, oxidation and friction control issues, heat treatments and diffusion coatings, thin film processes such as PVD and CVD, composite bearing and wear control systems, and PIM and HIP design based surface modifications.
Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spray
Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spray
Some of these treatments are patented, some are proprietary, and some are in the public sector. The uniqueness of the  approach is that it doesn't matter where the answer comes from as long as it provides the productivity improvement required by the customer.
Before even the best coating/treatment can be applied to a mechanical system, something must be known about what is wrong with the system, what degrading influences are present, and what decay modes are at work.
So the  failure analysis capability is an important preface to the application of the surface modification techniques which we have available.



EV Battery Cooling/Heating System (Coolant to Refrigerant/Air)

  • Development of the entire vehicle thermal management
  • Related supply chain management

Thermal Analysis for Architectural and Site Design

The leading global architectural firms rely on ThermoAnalytics to deliver analysis of highly energy efficient buildings and structures. Using our proprietary solar simulation technology, our research engineers compute the temperatures across buildings, surrounding terrains and landscapes, and internal spaces. The solar energy Solar architectural and engineering services.
incident on the building envelope and through windows is accurately computed based on global position, date, time and weather conditions over time. Solar thermal loading to walls, floors and reflected solar energy from terrains up through windows to ceilings is predicted with our software. The optimal orientation of buildings, overhang design, and window designs can be analyzed and cost-benefit analysis performed on exterior designs and insulation schemes.

As energy costs rise, many architectural firms recognize the value of effective energy management in buildings but are unsure of how to reach state-of-the-art accuracy. From studies of wind canyons using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to transient thermal analysis with solar shadows and greenhouse effects, the energy management goals of your team can be achieved with support from our engineers.

We begin architecture projects importing/creating your CAD geometry and developing a high-quality mesh representation. Keeping in mind the goals of your team and possible difficulties unique to your system, we set up boundary conditions and perform the analysis. After a preliminary review of the results, we provide your team with a complete solution, detailed engineering report, and additional visualization tools, such as flow animations, 2D plots, and surface plots. Armed with an accurate prediction of your structure's unique thermal behavior, your engineers can make well-informed design decisions. ThermoAnalytics provides both system-level and building-level analysis. From a quick study of a window design to a full system analysis of an HVAC loading requirements, our experience and efficiency are leveraged to a cost-effective solution for your team.

By mastering a wide range of related technologies and software tools, ThermoAnalytics has defined state-of-the-art methods and delivered thermal simulations to leading architecture firms across the US. We provide comprehensive simulation planning, weather data extraction/analysis, and extremely accurate solar/thermal band radiation analysis. 
Even complex “in-situ” factors like solar energy reflected off one building through the windows of an adjacent structure are accurately predicted.
Below is a partial list of our customers related to architectural applications. 

marzocca thermal

  • Keynote Lectures
  • Instabilities and Localization Under Thermomechanical Loading
  • Experimental Methods in Thermal Problems
  • Thermoelasticity
  • Thermopiezoelectricity
  • Anisotropic Thermomechanical Problems
  • Functionally Graded Materials and Structures
  • Thermally Induced Vibrations of Plates and Shells
  • Thermal Coating
  • Thermal Stresses in Fracture, Cracking and Fatigue
  • New Trends in Thermal Stresses and Related Topics
  • Thermoanelasticity
  • Thermal Buckling of Plates
  • Thermal Stresses
  • Time-Dependent Thermomechanical Effects and Related Implications
  • Thermal Analysis and Methods in Structures
  • Thermal Shock
  • Mechanical Behavior of Materials Structures at Elevated and Cryogenic Temperature
  • Thermal Problems in Engineering Systems
  • Aerothermoelasticity and Thermo-Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Aerothermoelasticity and Vibration of Structures
  • Thermomagnetoelasticity
  • Thermal Stresses and Fatigue in Ceramics and Porous Material
  • Active/Passive Control in High Temperature Structures
  • Inverse and Optimization Methods for Thermal Problems
  • Thermoelastic Contact Problems
  • Analytical and Computational Methods in Thermal Problems
  • Lately Arrived Pap


    A. Edited Books
    1.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCAThermal Stresses‘03, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, Vol. 1, 500 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-9721257-2-8.
    2.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCAThermal Stresses‘03, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, Vol. 2, 500 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-9721257-2-8.[1]
    B. Review Articles
    1.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Advances in the Linear/Nonlinear Control of Aeroelastic Structural Systems,” Acta Mechanica, Vol. 178, No. 3-4, August 4, 2005, pp. 147-186.
    C. Refereed Journal Publications (chronological order)[2],[3]
    1.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, G. CHIOCCHIA, “Aeroelastic Response of a 2-D Lifting Surfaces to Gust and Arbitrary Explosive Loading Signatures,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 41-65.
    2.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, G. CHIOCCHIA, “Aeroelasticity of Two-Dimensional Lifting Surfaces Via Indicial Function Approach,” The Aeronautical Journal, March 2002, pp. 147-153.
    3.      Z. QINP. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, “Aeroelastic Instability and Response of Advanced Aircraft Wings at Subsonic Flight Speeds,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2002, pp. 195-208.
    4.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Aeroelastic Response and Flutter ofSwept Aircraft Wings,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 5, May 2002, pp. 801-812.
    5.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Aeroelastic Response of Nonlinear Wing Section by Functional Series Technique,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 5, May 2002, pp. 813-824.
    6.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, G. CHIOCCHIA, “Aeroelastic Response of a 2-D Airfoil in Compressible Flight Speed Regimes Exposed to Blast Loadings,”Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, June 2002, pp. 259-272.
    7.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA, “Supersonic/Hypersonic Flutter and Post-flutter of Geometrically Imperfect Circular Cylindrical Panels,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 39, No. 5, September – October 2002, pp.802-812. 
    8.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Flutter, Post-Flutter and Control of a Supersonic 2-D Lifting Surface,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 25, No. 5, September – October 2002, pp. 962-970.
    9.      L. LIBRESCU, G. CHIOCCHIA, P. MARZOCCA, “Implications of Cubic Physical / Aerodynamic Nonlinearities on the Character of the Flutter Instability Boundary,”International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 38, March 2003, pp. 173-199.
    10.  Z. QIN, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Aeroelasticity of Composite Aerovehicle Wings in Supersonic Flows,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 40, No. 2, March-April 2003, pp. 162-173.
    11.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Nonlinear Open-/Closed Loop Aeroelastic Analysis of Airfoils via Volterra Series,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 673-686.
    12.  L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA, “Linear/Nonlinear Supersonic Panel Flutter in a High-Temperature Field,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 41, No. 1, July – August 2004, pp. 918-924.
    13.  Y. YUAN, P. YU, L. LIBRESCU, and P. MARZOCCA, “Aeroelasticity of Time-Delayed Feedback Control of Two-Dimensional Supersonic Lifting Surfaces,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 27, No. 5, September – October 2004, pp. 795-803.
    14.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Time-Delay Effects on Linear/Nonlinear Feedback Control of Simple Aeroelastic Systems,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.28, No.1, January – February 2005, pp. 53-62.
    15.  L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA, “Aeroelasticity of 2-D lifting surfaces with time-delayed feedback control,” Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 2005, pp. 197-215.
    16.  A.J. MICHALEKP. MARZOCCA, J. MOOSBRUGGER, D. HASANYAN, “Effects of an In-Plane Axisymmetric Magnetic Field on the Vibration of a Thin Conductive Spinning Disk,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 97, 10R509, 2005, doi:10.1063/1.1855463, PACS: 85.70.Li, 85.70.Ay, 75.80, pp. 3.
    17.  L. LIBRESCU , S. NA, P. MARZOCCA, C. CHUNG, M.K. KWAK, “Active aeroelastic Control of 2-D Wing-Flap Systems Operating in an Incompressible Flowfield and Impacted by a Blast Pulse,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 283, 2005, pp. 685-706.
    18.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, D.H. KIM, I. LEE, S. SCHOBER “Generalized Transonic Unsteady Aerodynamics via Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Indicial Approach,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 43, No. 4, April 2005, pp.915-921.
    19.  D.-H. KIM, I. LEE. P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, S. SCHOBER “Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of an Airfoil Using CFD-Based Indicial Approach,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 42, No.5, September–October 2005, pp. 1340-1344.
    20.  S. NA, L. LIBRESCU, M.-H. KIM, I.-J. JEONG, P. MARZOCCA, “Aeroelastic Response of Flapped Wing Systems Using Robust Estimation Control Methodology,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 1, January-February, 2006, pp. 199-201.
    21.  A. BEHAL, P. MARZOCCAV.M. RAO, A. GNANN, “Nonlinear Adaptive Control of an Aeroelastic 2-D Lifting Surface,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 382-390.
    22.  S. NA, L. LIBRESCU, M.-H. KIM, I.-J. JEONG, P. MARZOCCA, “Robust Aeroelastic Control of Flapped Wing Systems Using a Sliding Mode Observer," Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No.  3, 2006, pp. 120–126.
    23.  A. BEHAL, V.M. RAOP. MARZOCCAM. KAMALUDEEN “Adaptive Control for a Nonlinear Wing Section with Multiple Flaps,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 3, May-June 2006, pp. 744-748.
    24.  V.M. RAO, A. BEHAL, P. MARZOCCAC. RUBILLO, “Adaptive Aeroelastic Vibration Suppression of a Supersonic Airfoil with Flap,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 4, May-June 2006, pp. 309-315.
    25.  O. SERESTA, M.M. ABDALLA, S.B. MULANIZ, P. MARZOCCA, “Stacking Sequence Design of Flat Composite Panel for Flutter and Thermal Buckling,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 11, 2006, pp. 2726-2735.
    26.  C. RUBILLOP. MARZOCCA, E. BOLLT, “Active Aeroelastic Control of Lifting Surfaces via Jet Reaction Limiter Control,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 16, No. 9, 2006, 2559–2574.
    27.  M. BELUBEKYAN, K. GHAZARYAN, P. MARZOCCAC. CORMIER, “Localized Bending Waves in a Rib-Reinforced Elastic Orthotropic Plate,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2007, pp. 169-171.
    28.  S.S. NA, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, G.C. YOON, C. RUBILLO, K. BONG, Robust aeroelastic control of two-dimensional supersonic flapped wing systems, Acta Mechanica, Springer, Wien, Vol. 192, No. 1-4 , 2007, pp. 37-47.
    29.  L.K. ABBAS, Q. CHEN, K. O’DONNELL, D. VALENTINE, P. MARZOCCA, Numerical studies of a non-linear aeroelastic system with plunging and pitching freeplays in supersonic/hypersonic regimes, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2007, pp. 405-418.
    30.  P. YU, Z. CHEN, Z., L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Implications of time-delayed feedback control on limit cycle oscillation of a two-dimensional supersonic lifting surface,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 304, No. 3-5, 2007, pp. 974-986 
    31.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, D.-H.  KIM, I.  LEE, S. SCHOBER, “Development of an Indicial Function Approach for the Two-Dimensional Incompressible/Compressible Aerodynamic Load Modeling,” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Part G, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 221, No. 3, 2007, pp. 453-463.
    32.  I. TUZCU, P. MARZOCCA, E. CESTINO, G. ROMEO, G. FRULLA, “Stability and Control of a High-Altitude, Long-Endurance UAV” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 3, May-June 2007.
    33.  K.K. REDDY, J. CHEN, A. BEHAL, P. MARZOCCA, “Multi-Input/Multi-Output Adaptive Output Feedback Control Design for Aeroelastic Vibration Suppression,”Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 4, July–August 2007, pp. 1040-1048.
    34.  M. HEP. MARZOCCA, S. DHANIYALA, “A New High Performance Battery-Operated Electrometer,” Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 78, October 2007, pp. 105103-1-5.
    35.  M. BELUBEKYAN, K. GHAZARYAN, P. MARZOCCAC. CORMIER, “Localized Magnetoelastic Bending Vibration of an Electroconductive Elastic Plate,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 6, 2007, pp. 1071-1077.
    36.  L.K. ABBAS, Q. CHEN, P. MARZOCCAA. MILANESE, “Non-linear Aeroelastic Investigations of Store(s)-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 222, No. 1, 2008, pp. 63-80.
    37.  J.M. NICHOLS, P. MARZOCCAA. MILANESE, “On the Use of the Auto-Bispectral Density for Detecting Quadratic Nonlinearity in Structural Systems,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 312, No. 4-5, 2008, pp. 726-735.
    38.  L.K. ABBAS, Q. CHEN, P. MARZOCCAK. O’DONNELL, D. VALENTINE, “Aeroelastic Behavior of the Lifting Surfaces with Free-Play and Aerodynamic Stiffness and Damping Nonlinearities,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Accepted, (2008), In Press.
    39.  A. MILANESEP. MARZOCCA, J.M. NICHOLS, M. SEAVER, S.T. TRICKEY, “Modeling and Detection of Joint Loosening Using Output Only Broad-Band Vibration Data,” Structural Health Monitoring, an International Journal, Accepted, (2008), In Press.
    40.  L.K ABBAS, Q. CHEN, P. MARZOCCA, Z. GÜRDAL, M. ABDALLA, “Active Aerothermoelastic Control of Hypersonic Double-Wedge Lifting Surface,” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Accepted, (2008) In Press.
    41.  P. MARZOCCA, J.M. NICHOLS, M. SEAVER, S. TRICKEY, A. MILANESE, “Second Order Spectra for Quadratic Non-linear Systems by Volterra Functional Series: Analytical Description and Numerical Simulation,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Accepted, (2008), In Press.
    42.  K. LI, D. AIDUN, P. MARZOCCA, “Modelling of the mixed weld zone of dissimilar metals joint by functionally graded materials,” STEEL GRIPS Journal of Steel and Related Materials, Accepted, (2008), In Press.

    D. Book’s Chapters and Other Book’s Contributions
    1.      W.A. SILVA, P. BERAN, C. CESNIK, R.E. GUENDEL, A.J. KURDILA, R.J. PRAZENICA, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, D. RAVEH, “Reduced-Order Modeling Research and Development at the NASA Langley Research Center” International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2001, Madrid (Spain) June 5-7, 2001, Edited by:  Alfasur, ISBN 84-931375-6-1.
    2.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Nonlinear Stability and Response of Lifting Surfaces Via Volterra Series,” Proceeding of the 20th ICTAM - IUTAM - 2000, August 27- September 2, Chicago, IL, Springer, 2001, Edited by: By A. Hassan, J.W. Phillips, 582 pp., ISBN 0792371569.
    3.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Consideration of a Flutter Prediction Methodology Using a Combined Analytical-Experimental Procedure,” Special Volume Recent Advances In Experimental Mechanics, In Honor of Isaac M. Daniel, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, June 2002, 844 pp., Edited by: E.E. Gdoutos, ISBN: 1-4020-0683-7.
    4.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA “Linear/Nonlinear Aeroelastic Behavior of Thermally Damaged Flat Panels in a Supersonic Flow Field,'' Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, Blacksburg, VA, June 8-11, 2003, Vol. 2, WA-2-1-(1-4), 1000 pp., Edited by: L. Librescu, P. Marzocca, ISBN: 0-9721257-2-8.
    5.      P. MARZOCCA, L LIBRESCU, D.-H. KIM, I. LEE, G. COPPOTELLI, “Unified Analytical/CFD Approach of Linear/Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response and Flutter via Aerodynamic Indicial Function Concept,” IFASD 2005, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2005, June 28 – July 1, 2005, Munich, Germany, DGLR-Bericht 2005-04, ISBN 3-932-182-43-X.
    6.      D. HASANYAN, P. MARZOCCA, S. HARUTYUNYAN, “Propagation of Gap Waves in Ferromagnetoelastic materials,” Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Proceedings of The Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, June 14-17, 2005. Edited by: K.-J. Bathe, ISBN: 0080444814.
    7.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, M. PEREIRA, “Flutter/Postflutter and Active Control of Thermally Degraded Supersonic Panels,” 6th International Congress of Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, TS2005, Vienna, Austria, 26-29 May 2005, Edited by: F. Ziegler, R. Heuer, C. Adam, pp. 1 - 4, ISBN: 3-901167-12.
    8.      G. BAGHDASARYAN, M. MIKILYAN, P. MARZOCCA, “Buckling of Ferromagnetic Cylindrical Shell Under the Action of Thermal and Magnetic Fields of Constant Electric Current,” 6th International Congress of Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, TS2005, Vienna, Austria, 26-29 May 2005, Edited by: F. Ziegler, R. Heuer, C. Adam, pp. 1 - 4, ISBN: 3-901167-12.
    9.      E. CROSBIE, T. CALDER, C. CHANG, P. MARZOCCA, Z. GÜRDAL, J. HOL, “Computational Aerodynamics and Experimental Investigations of an Inflatable Wing,”, The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, XXVIII Computational Fluid Dynamics, 712 pp., Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006, Civil-Comp Press, Edited by: B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro, ISBN: 1-905088-08-6.
    10.  K. LI, D. AIDUN, P. MARZOCCA, “Functionally graded material modeling of a thermally affected dissimilar metals joint,” 7th International Congress of Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, TS2007, Taipei, Taiwan, 4-7 June 2007, Edited by: C.K. Chao, C.Y. Lin pp. 1 - 4, ISBN: 978-986-00-9556-2.
    11.  L.K. ABBAS, Q. CHEN, P. MARZOCCA, Z. GÜRDAL, M. ABDALLA, “Non-linear aerothermoelastic modeling and behavior of a double-wedge lifting surface,” 7th International Congress of Thermal Stresses and Related Topics, TS2007, Taipei, Taiwan, 4-7 June 2007, Edited by: C.K. Chao, C.Y. Lin, pp. 1 - 4, ISBN:  978-986-00-9556-2.
    12.  K. GHAZARYAN, P. MARZOCCA, A. MILANESE, “Selected Vibration Problems of a Conductive Plate Exposed to a Magnetic Field” In the book “Problems of Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician of NAS RA Sergey A. Ambartsumian, Yerevan, NAS, Armenia, 2007, pp. 118-127.
    E. Patents
    1.      Jet Reaction Torquer / Morphing Control: Application to Highly Flexible UAV Wings, Wind turbine concepts, Small Inflatable Unmanned-Air-Vehicle, (provisional patent: 60/556,529). Co-applicant: E. Bollt.
    2.      Energy Harvesting Device from Accelerated Air Flow near Bridges and other Civil Structures. Co-applicant: C. Cetinkaya.
    3.      In-place-Deployable Wind Barrier for a Group of Light Frame Buildings, Co-applicants: E.F. Thacher, J.S. Schrader.
    F. Conferences Proceedings[4]
    All conference proceedings and abstracts are peer-reviewed at national or international meetings
    1.      G. ROMEO, P. MARZOCCA, “Confronto Numerico-Sperimentale di Pannelli in Graphite-Epoxy con Aperture Rettangolari Soggette a Carichi Uniassiali, Biassiali e Taglio. Determinazione del Carico di Buckling – Numerical-Experimental Comparison of Graphite-Epoxy Panels with Rectangular Hole Under Uniaxial, Biaxial and Shear Loads. Determination of the Buckling Load,” Proceedings of the 25th Conference of MacNeak-Schwendler User's - 25a Conferenza degli Utenti MacNeal - Schwendler, Sez. 28, Torino, Italy, October 15-16, 1998, in Italian, summary in English. 
    2.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, “Aeroelasticity of Two-Dimensional Lifting Surfaces via Indicial Function Approach: Compressible Flight Speed Regime,” Virginia Journal of Science, Summer 2000, Vol. 51, No. 2.
    3.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Aerodynamic Indicial Functions and Their Use in Aeroelastic Formulation of Lifting Surfaces,” AIAA-2000-WIP, 41stAIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 3-6, 2000, Atlanta, GA. 
    4.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, G. CHIOCCHIA, “Unsteady Aerodynamics in Various Flight Speed Regimes for Flutter/Dynamic Response Analyses,” AIAA-2000-4299,Proceeding of the 18th AIAA Applied Aerodynamic Conference, August 14-17, 2000, Denver, CO. 
    5.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Aeroelastic Response of Swept Aircraft Wings in a Compressible Flow Field,” AIAA-2001-0714, 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 8-11, 2001, Reno, NV.
    6.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Volterra Series Approach for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response of 2-D Lifting Surfaces,” AIAA-2001-1459, 42nd AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 16-19, 2001, Seattle, WA, Vol. 3, pp. 2047-2057.
    7.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, “Hopf-Bifurcation of Sectional Wing with Cubic Aerodynamic and Physical Nonlinearities,” Virginia Journal of Science, Summer 2001, Vol. 52, No. 2.
    8.      P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Aeroelastic Response of Aircraft Wings to Explosive Pressure Signatures in Subsonic/Supersonic Flow Field,” Seventh International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact, 27-29 May, 2002, Montreal, Canada, Accepted for publication in a Special Volume.
    9.      L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA, “Time Delay Feedback Aeroelastic Control of 2-D Lifting Surfaces,” IMECE-2002-32971, 5th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction, Aeroelasticity, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise 2002 ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 17-22 November 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
    10.  L. LIBRESCU, S. NA, P. MARZOCCA, C.-H. CHUNG, M.K. KWAK, “Flutter Instability and Aeroelastic Response of Aircraft Wing Section with a Flap in an Incompressible Flow”, IMECE-2002-32983, 5th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction, Aeroelasticity, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise 2002 ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 17-22 November 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
    11.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Supersonic Flutter and Post-Flutter Active Control of Cross-Sectional Aircraft Wings,” ICAS-2002-452, 23rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS, Sept. 8-13, 2002, Toronto, Canada.
    12.  P. MARZOCCA, W.A. SILVA, L. LIBRESCU, “Open/Closed-Loop Cross Sectional Nonlinear Wing Aeroelasticity via Volterra Series Approach,” AIAA-2002-1484, 43rdAIAA/ASME/ASCEASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 22-25, 2002, Denver, CO.
    13.  Y. YUAN, P. YU, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Analysis of a 2-D Supersonic Lifting Surface with Time Delayed Feedback Control,” AIAA-2003-1733, 44thAIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 2003, Norfolk, VA.
    14.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, D.-H. KIM, IN LEE, “Linear/Nonlinear Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of 2-D Lifting Surfaces via a Combined CFD/Analytical Approach,” AIAA-2003-1925, 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 2003, Norfolk, VA.
    15.  P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, W.A. SILVA, “Nonlinear Time Delayed Feedback Control of Aeroelastic Systems: A Functional Approach,” AIAA-2003-1867, 44thAIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 2003, Norfolk, VA.
    16.  L. LIBRESCU, S. NA, P. MARZOCCA, C. CHUNG, M.K. KWAK, “Active Aeroelastic Control of 2-D Wing-Flap Systems in an Incompressible Flowfield, AIAA-2003-1414,44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 2003, Norfolk, VA.
    17.  L. LIBRESCU, S. NA, P. MARZOCCA, C.-H. CHUNG, I.-J. JEONG, “Active Aeroelastic Control of 2-D Wing-Flap Systems in a Compressible/Incompressible Flow Field and Exposed to Blast Pulses,” IMECE-2003-43392, 2003 ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 15-21 November 2003, Washington D.C.
    18.  L. LIBRESCU, and P. MARZOCCA, Y. YUAN, P. YU, “Supersonic Aeroelasticity of 2-D Lifting Surfaces With Time Delays in the Linear/Non-linear Control,” IMECE-2003-43700, 2003 ASME Int’l Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 15-21 November 2003, Washington D.C.
    19.  P. YU, Y. YUAN, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Single/Double Hopf Bifurcation and Aeroelastic Instability of a 2-D Supersonic Lifting Surface with Time Delayed Feedback Control,” AIAA-2004-1752, 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, 19-22 April 2004.
    20.  S. NA, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, C.-H. CHUNG, “Aeroelastic Response of Flapped Wing System Using Robust Control Methodology,” AIAA-2004-1673, 45thAIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, 19-22 April 2004.
    21.  D. KIM, I. LEE, P. MARZOCCA, L. LIBRESCU, “Linear/Nonlinear Aeroelastic Computation of 2- D Lifting Surfaces Using a Combined CFD/Analytical Approach,” AIAA-2004-1756, 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, 19-22 April 2004.
    22.  P. MARZOCCA, R. LAZZARO, L. LIBRESCU, “Flutter/Aeroelastic Response of Panels via a Combined Galerkin-Volterra Series Approach.” AIAA-2004-1855, 45thAIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, 19-22 Apr 2004.
    23.  A. BEHAL, P. MARZOCCA, D.M. DAWSON, A. LONKAR, “Nonlinear Adaptive Model Free Control of an Aeroelastic 2-D Lifting Surface,” AIAA-2004-5227, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Providence, Rhode Island, 16-19 Aug 2004.
    24.  P. MARZOCCA, A. BEHAL, A. GNANN, “Adaptive Control Based Structural Health Monitoring Technique,” CANSMART 2004, 7th CANSMART Meeting International Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, October 21-22, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    25.  D. HASANYAN, P. MARZOCCA, S. HARUTYUNYAN, “Gap Waves in Ferro-Magneto-Elastic Materials,” CANSMART 2004, 7th CANSMART Meeting International Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, October 21-22, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    26.  S. NA, C. PARK, M.-H. KIM, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, I.-J. JEONG “Aeroelastic Response of Flapped Wing Systems Using Multiobjective State Feedback Methodology,” ICAST 2004, 15th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, October 25-27 2004, Bar Harbor, Maine.
    27.  A.J. MICHALEKP. MARZOCCA, J. MOOSBRUGGER, D. HASANYAN, “Effects of an In-Plane Axisymmetric Magnetic Field on the Vibration of a Thin Conductive Spinning Disk,” MMM 2004, 49th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, November 7-11 2004, Jacksonville, Florida.
    29.  D.-H. KIM, P. MARZOCCA, I. LEE, L. LIBRESCU, “Efficient Nonlinear Aeroelastic Computation of 2-DOF Airfoil Using Combined CFD/Analytical Approach,” 2004 Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Autumn Conference, 2004 KSAS, Seoul, South Korea, November 18-19, 2004.
    30.  S. NA, I. JEONG, L. LIBRESCU, P. MARZOCCA, “Aeroelastic Response and Control of an Airfoil in a Subsonic Compressible Flow,” AIAA-2005-1992, 46th AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, 18-21 April 2005.
    31.  C. RUBILLOP. MARZOCCA, E. BOLLT, “Active Aeroelastic Control of Lifting Surfaces via Jet Reaction Limiter Control,” AIAA-2005-2076, 46thAIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, 18-21 April 2005.
    33.  A. MICHALEKP. MARZOCCA, D. HASANYAN, J. MOOSBRUGGER, “Vibration and Critical Speed of Spinning Disks Under an In-Plane Axisymmetric Magnetic Field: Analytical Predictions and Experimental Verification,” AIAA-2005-2256, 46thAIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, 18-21 April 2005